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Sailing eBoards & Bonefish Ops

This week Michael and I took the Bonefish to the Magothy River Marina. We collected video footage of aquatic vegetation, and tested the maximum distance the ROV can travel tethered. The footage collected is for Eli and the AI project identifying different vegetation of the Chesapeake Bay.

In the Lab, I have been working on an outline and the description files for sailing eBoards. The eBoards will be on the basics of sailing including points of sail, steering, wind, buoyancy, ect.

Friday, we had a meeting with Dr. Domanski on the water quality sensor they use in the field. We discovered 3 main issues with their current sensor. The sensor can’t record data continuously, can’t record more than 50 entries, and it doesn’t upload to the computer.

Michael retrieves the Bonefish ROV after a successful operation at the Magothy River Marina


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