BrushFire Validation and Untethering Bonefish
190304 I worked on BrushFire's autopilot system. Hunter and I took the BrushFire Rover down to the gravel area behind parking lot C to test the system running transects and RTH's. At the end of the test, Hunter and I were able to verify and record the mission successfully. The project needs further tuning to improve transect accuracy, but the autopilot is functional at its current state.
I also worked on Gerridae; I cleaned up the mounting of the electronics assembly to the hull, I also added supports to eliminate shifting and vibration to the electronic assembly.
Friday night while waiting to test Gerridae at the Maryland Y pool. I was able to untether the control of BoneFish. Nick and I recorded videos of the system control via radio communication. When to untether the BoneFish, live streaming HD video was disabled due to communication restrictions.