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Microsoft Azure VideoMarker Toolset - Update 220219 and Priority Reassignment

After research over nearly 2 weeks, including completion of Google's 'Machine Learning Crash Course' program (which explains and explores fundamental machine-learning concepts in an application-based setting), I will be starting work on training a neural net to recognize specific species of plants and animals native to the bay, and have it return information about the health of locally videographed ecosystems. Deployment of the LASR@ AACC program's Bonefish SAV for data collection (for training, validation, and testing of the neural net) will take place over the next two weeks. In the mean time, I have been assigned to help write a program to record data from Seneye's 'Reef' water quality monitors, which will then be uploaded to the cloud and used for water quality monitoring by citizen scientists throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.


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